Competition Law
Gugushev & Partners’ competition law practice develops in close cooperation with the firm’s services in the fields of corporate and commercial law, consumer protection and intellectual property. Our lawyers advise and protect their clients in relation to merger control notices, prohibited agreements, abuse of dominant position, unfair competition, hidden and misleading advertising.
The firm focuses its efforts on the preliminary assessment and regulation of potential conflict points. Our team has extensive experience in proceedings before the Commission on Protection of Competition (CPC), the administrative courts and the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC).
Our legal services include:
- prohibited agreements, decisions and concerted practices
- cases of concentration, acquisition of shares or going concerns that can be interpreted as a concentration
- unfair competition
- issuance of permits, admission of unified general conditions
- consequences of violations of the established legal framework
- the practice of the CPC and SAC
Our Experts in This Area
Dafinka Stoycheva
Senior Partner
Yoanna Ivanova
Tsvetina Stefanova
Notable Clients & Projects
Easy Asset Management JSC

Gugushev & Partners Law Office advised Easy Asset Management, a leading Bulgarian non-banking institution, on the acquisition of Provident Bulgaria Ltd.
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Residence City Garden Hotel

Gugushev & Partners successfully represented the client in connection to proceedings before the Bulgarian Commission for Protection of Competition as well as before the Sofia Administrative Court in a case related to the client’s registered trademark.
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GED Ltd.

Gugushev & Partners Law Office advises the client on a daily basis in connection to various matters in the field of corporate and commercial law, tax and employment law.
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