The Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Growth Market BEAM / 04.02.2022 г.
The Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) Growth Market BEAM (Bulgarian Enterprise Accelerator Market) continues to grow in popularity and in 2021, launched seven separate public offerings.
This new segment of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE) aims to promote the development of small and medium-sized companies, which have a key role in the country's economic growth. From November 2021, Gugushev & Partners Law Office became a BEAM Market Advisor and following the growing public interest for the opportunities this special market offers, our team created a brief legal review, which was published in the prestigious legal journal CEE Legal Matters.
Ms. Dimitrinka Metodieva, Senior Partner, and Ms. Kostadinka Deleva, Partner, are the long-term experts in the area of Capital Markets and Financing and the authors of the article The Bulgarian BEAM Market – New Growth Opportunities for SMEs
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