The SME Growth Market Beam
The SME Growth Market Beam is a special market organised by the Bulgarian Stock Exchange (BSE) which allows small and medium companies in Bulgaria to receive financing. The Exchange has been granted approval by the Financial Supervision Commission to create the new SME Growth Market Beam at the end of 2018. Trading on the beam market is executed through the same trading platform T7® and under the same trading rules as those on the BSE main market.
The main objective of Beam is to provide small and medium enterprises with the opportunity to raise funds within easier terms compared to those on the regulated market, while at the same time providing them with similar advantages as those of public companies. Beam market is the first step on the road for a company to get listed on the regulated market.
According to amendments in the Corporate Income Tax Act and the Personal Income Tax Act, for a period between 01.01.2021 to 31.12.2025 Beam market will be included to the provisions regulating tax relief related to income from interest on bonds and other debt securities as well as income from the disposal of financial instruments which are traded on a regulated market.
In view of the above-mentioned text, for the period of relief, the capital gain realized on the Beam market from the disposal of shares will not be subject to taxation (in respect to individuals) and foresees a reduction of the financial tax result of legal entities in regards to the profit made from the disposal of financial instruments, realized on this market.
Find out more HERE.