Elena Kaneva - Dzhemerenova

Elena has joined the team of Gugushev & Partners Law Office in October 2022, as a part of the firm's litigation department. She is a lawyer with many years of experience in civil and administrative litigation. Elena practices in the field of civil and commercial law, insurance, contract, property and administrative law.
Professional experience:
- Representation of number of clients before the court, as well as out of it, as parties or consumers of insurance contracts;
- Working on cases for claiming compensation for torts, work accidents, etc;
- Consultation and representation of various municipalities before the court in proceedings for the execution of contracts for public procurement, for appeals imposed financial corrections and others;
- Representing legal entities and municipalities in proceedings before the Commission for Protection of Competition;
- Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski (2006 - 2011), Master of Laws
- Sofia Bar Association
- English